1999 From: American Chemical Society
New Online Service Alerts Chemists Instantly To The Latest Journal ResearchAnaheim, Calif., March 22 -- The American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society, today announced the launch of "ASAP Alerts," a new, free online service that sends e-mail announcements of newly available Articles ASAP from each of the 27 Web editions of ACS journals. Articles ASAP (As Soon As Publishable) are full-text journal articles, with special features not available in ACS print journals. They are posted on the Web as soon as they have been peer-reviewed, copy edited, and checked by the author for accuracy, resulting in publication of new research from 2 to 11 weeks faster than is possible in print. "Anyone with an e-mail address can now be instantaneously alerted to new ACS Web journal articles just by filling out a simple form," said Robert D. Bovenschulte, ACS Director of Publications. He noted that the free service is available on request for both subscribers and non-subscribers to ACS journals. The new service can be accessed from the ACS Publications Home Page (http://pubs.acs.org/) or the home pages of any of the 27 journals. Users click on the "ASAP Alerts" button, indicating e-mail address, choice of journal, and how frequently they want to be alerted on an online registration form. Users can choose daily notification or a weekly summary. Each ASAP Alert e-mail message contains the title, author(s), journal name, official web publication date and the direct URL link to the full article on the Web. Subscribers to the Web Edition of the journal in which the article appears will be able to click on the URL and access the full ASAP article immediately. Non-subscribers may purchase access to the article using ACS's Articles on Command service at a cost of $25.00 per article. "This new service represents another important step in our continuing efforts to increase the speed of ease by which scientists and the general public can access high quality chemistry research," Bovenschulte said. ACS web editions that offer ASAP Alerts:Accounts of Chemical Research Analytical Chemistry Biochemistry Bioconjugate Chemistry Biotechnology Progress -- Copublished with the Am. Inst. of Chem. Engineers Chemical Research in Toxicology Chemical Reviews Chemistry of Materials Energy & Fuels Environmental Science & Technology Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Inorganic Chemistry Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Journal of the American Chemical Society Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry -- New in 1999! Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Journal of Natural Products -- Copublished with the Am. Soc. of Pharmacognosy The Journal of Organic Chemistry Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences -- Copublished with the American Pharmaceutical Association The Journal of Physical Chemistry A The Journal of Physical Chemistry B Langmuir Macromolecules Organic Letters Available Spring 1999! Organic Process Research & Development -- Copublished with the Royal Society of Chemistry Organometallics
A nonprofit organization with a membership of nearly 159,000 chemists and chemical engineers, the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society, publishes scientific journals and databases, convenes major research conferences, and provides educational, science policy and career programs in chemistry. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.