From: American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

American Association Of Pharmaceutical Scientists Announces PharmSci™, The Association's First Online Journal

Alexandria, VA - The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) announces the launch of its new exclusively online journal, PharmSci This electronic medium permits a new approach to scientific publishing. PharmSci will offer a forum for the rapid exchange and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the pharmaceutical sciences. Manuscripts will be submitted by the authors directly via the World Wide Web; will be available to peer reviewers on the World Wide Web; and, once accepted and copyedited, will be available to readers on the World Wide Web. The journal invites manuscripts from all areas of the pharmaceutical sciences:

    Analytical Chemistry
    Biological Sciences
    Chemical Biology
    Clinical Pharmacology
    Clinical Sciences
    Combinatorial Chemistry
    Computational Chemistry
    Drug Delivery
    Drug Metabolism
    Drug Therapy
    Economics, Marketing and Management Sciences
    Gene Therapy
    High Throughput Screening
    Material Sciences
    Medicinal Chemistry
    Natural Products Chemistry
    Pharmaceutical Quality
    Pharmaceutical Technologies
    Physical Chemistry
    Tissue Engineering

    Papers can be submitted immediately. The first issue of PharmSci will be closed for manuscripts published by March 31, 1999. PharmSci's instructions to authors can be accessed through www.pharmsci.org.

    Wolfgang Sadée, Ph.D., Professor of Biopharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of California-San Francisco, was named PharmSci's Editor-in-Chief. Sadée, an AAPS Fellow, received the AAPS Distinguished Service Award in 1994 and was the first recipient of the AAPS Research Achievement Award in Biotechnology in 1991.

    "Launching PharmSci as an electronic journal will change the way we disseminate information. Supported by a strong association, PharmSci offers significant advances in publication, rapid publication with immediate international access, and direct links to other information sources. In this medium, we are not limited by the need to print, but we can use the entire resources of the web," said Sadée.

    AAPS is a professional, scientific society of more than 9,000 members employed in academia, industry, government and other research institutes worldwide. Founded in 1986, the goal of AAPS is to improve human health through the development of better pharmaceuticals. For more information about AAPS, visit AAPS Online at www.aaps.org.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004