From: American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

AAPS Announces 1999 Calendar Of Meetings, Conferences And Workshops

Alexandria, VA -- April 23, 1999 -- The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists is pleased to announce the following AAPS-sponsored meetings.

May 17, 1999
Midwest Regional Meeting
News You Can Use: Practical Implications for Pharmaceutical Scientists
Rosemont Conference Center, Chicago, IL

June 3-4, 1999
AAPS Workshop on Regulatory Issues Related to
Drug Products for Oral Inhalation and Nasal Delivery

Co-Sponsored by the FDA and USP
J.W. Marriott Hotel, Washington, DC

June 10-11, 1999
Eastern Regional Meeting
Hilton Parsippany, Parsippany, NJ

June 21, 1999
Southeast Regional Meeting
Impact of CROs on Accelerated Drug Development and Regulatory Affairs
Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center, Durham, NC

August 30-September 1, 1999
AAPS International Workshop on Individual Bioequivalence:
Realities and Implementation

Co-Sponsors: BPS/FIP, CSPS, FDA, and TPP
Montreal Marriott Chateau Champlain, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

September 13-14, 1999
AAPS Symposium on Cheminformatics in Drug Discovery
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA

September 29-October 1, 1999
Bio International '99 Conference
Organized by FIP, Co-Sponsored with FDA, DIA, and HPB
London, UK

November 14-18, 1999
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition
Quest for the Magic Bullet: An Astounding Century
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA

Calendar Editors: Please publish these meetings in your publication's calendar of events. For details on individual meetings, including a complete preliminary program, registration fees, and accommodations, please visit AAPS Online at www.aaps.org/edumeet.html or contact AAPS Meetings, 703-548-3000, fax: 703-684-7349, [email protected].

Reporters: If you are interested in attending an AAPS meeting, please contact Amy Miller, Sr. Manager of News and Information at 703-518-8417, Fax: 703-684-7349, [email protected].

Visit AAPS' Education/Meetings Page on AAPS Online at www.aaps.org/edumeet.html to learn about future AAPS meetings, conferences and workshops.

For additional information about AAPS, please visit AAPS Online at www.aaps.org. You may find this and other recent news releases on AAPS' Online Press Room at www.aaps.org/sciaffairs/news.html.

AAPS is a professional, scientific society of more than 9,000 members employed in academia, industry, government and other research institutes worldwide. Founded in 1986, AAPS aims to advance science through the open exchange of scientific knowledge, serve as an information resource, and contribute to human health through pharmaceutical research and development.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004