From: Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

Brain And Psyche: The Neurobiology Of The Self

Day 1: Thursday, June 11, 1998
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, McGovern Auditorium

8:00 a.m.Registration

The Big Picture

8:30 a.m.Joseph Coyle, Chair of the Consolidated Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School


9:00 a.m.Brain Imaging
Perry Renshaw, Director, Brain Imaging Center McLean Hospital9:30 a.m.Microscopic Brain Imaging
Peter Lansbury, Neurobiologist, Brigham and Women's Hospital10:00 a.m.Imaging Substance Abuse in the Brain
Scott Lukas, Director, Behavioral Psychopharmcology Research Laboratory, McLean Hospital10:30 a.m.BREAK11:00 a.m.Gene Therapy
Xandra Breakefield, Neurogeneticist, Massachusetts General Hospital11:30 a.m.Genomics
Eric Lander, Director, Whitehead/MIT Center for Genome Research12:30 p.m.Luncheon Speaker "How the Mind Works"
Steven Pinker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

How The Brain Works Normally

2:00 p.m.Development of the Brain and Spinal Cord
Hazel Sive
, Associate Member, Whitehead Institute2:30 p.m.Smell
Andrew Chess, Associate Member, Whitehead Institute3:00 p.m.BREAK3:30 p.m.Alzheimer's Disease
Dennis Selkoe, Brigham & Women's Hospital4:00 p.m.Emotional Development
Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, Director of Neuropsychology, Brain Imaging Center, McLean Hospital6:15 p.m.Cocktail ReceptionHarvard Club 374 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston.

Day 2: Friday, June 12, 1998
Massachusetts General Hospital

8:00 a.m.Registration

What Goes Wrong?

8:30 a.m.Ann Graybiel, Walter A. Rosenblith Professor, Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

What Happens When the Brain Function Goes Awry?

9:00 a.m.Movement Disorders (Overview)
Anne Young, Chief of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital9:30 a.m.Parkinson's Disease
Mahlon Delong, Emory University10:00 a.m.Huntington's Disease
James Gusella, Director, Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital10:30 a.m.Schizophrenia
Francine Benes, Director, Laboratory for Structural Neuroscience, McLean Hospital12:00 a.m.Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
Robert Brown, Director, Day Neuromuscular Research Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital11:30 a.m.Molecular Genetics of Alzheimer's Disease
Rudolph Tanzi, Director, Genetics and Aging Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital12:30 p.m.Luncheon Speaker
Steven Hyman, Director, National Institute of Mental Health

Therapeutics: Treatments, Prevention, New Approaches

2:00 p.m.Pallidotomy
Rees Cosgrove, Director, Movement Disorders Center, Massachusetts General Hospital2:30 p.m.Migraines
Michael Moskowitz, Director, Stroke and Neurovascular Regulation, Massachusetts General Hospital3:00 p.m.Xenotransplantation
Ole Isacson, Director, Neuroregeneration Laboratory, McLean Hospital3:30 p.m.Psychopharmacology
Bruce Cohen, President and Psychiatrist-in-Chief, McLean Hospital4:00 p.m.Stroke Recovery
Seth Finkelstein, Director, CNS Growth Factor Research Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004