From: Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech Offers Biotechnology 2001 Conference for Educators (Blacksburg, VA, May 22, 1998) -- Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis and mammalian cloning pioneer Keith Campbell will be among the presenters at the Biotechnology 2001 Conference on Friday, June 26 at Virginia Tech.

The event is organized by the university's Fralin Biotechnology Center and Division of Continuing Education, in collaboration with the National Association of Biology Teachers to help science educators keep abreast of scientific discoveries and related developments in biotechnology. High school and community college faculty members as well as other interested persons are encouraged to attend.

Saturday, June 27 features 20 workshops with an array of innovative activities for the high school and community college classroom or laboratory.

Friday's program also offers several other outstanding scientists.

Carole Cramer, Virginia Tech professor of plant pathology, physiology and weed science and vice president of research with Croptech Development Corporation of Blacksburg, will talk about "Transgenic Plants for Human Pharmaceutical and Vaccine Production."

"Gene Therapy and Gene Repair" is the topic of a talk by Ken Culver, director of gene therapy research at Codon Pharmaceuticals of Gaithersburg, Md.

Terry Sharrer, curator of health sciences at the Smithsonian, will talk about "Cancer History and Gene Therapy Trials."

David Magnus of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania will address "Bioethical Implications of Mammalian Cloning."

And Paula Gregory-Division of Human Cancer Genetics, Ohio State University, will talk about "The Human Genome Project and Its Impact on Medicine."

Workshops, which are available to high school teachers, community college, and college faculty only, include programs by scientists from school and public and private laboratories around the country.

The registration fee for the conference is $120. This fee includes refreshment breaks, lunch and barbecue on Friday, handouts, lectures and workshops (for high school and community college faculty and subject to workshop size limits). The full-time student fee is $25 for Friday speakers only (lunch not included). After June 5, the registration fee is $140 and should be confirmed by phone with the Conference Registrar at 540-231-5182.

Lodging is offered at the hotel on campus or in one of the dormitories. Call the hotel, 540-231-5156, or dorm and dining services, 540-231-4849, by May 26 for reservations.

For further assistance send an inquiry to [email protected] or [email protected].

Contact for further information
Don Ball
Fralin Biotechnology Center
540-231-7126 fax
[email protected]

Conference Program: http://www.biotech.vt.edu/Info/Bio2001_98/bio2001_98_1.html
On-line registration: http://www.conted.vt.edu/biotech2001.htm

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