From: Virginia Tech

Fox Explores Future Of Electronic Publishing In Final Presentation Of National Seminar Series At Virginia Tech

(Blacksburg, Va., April 6, 1998) -- Ed Fox, professor of computer science at Virginia Tech and a pioneer in the creation of electronic libraries, will speak on "The Future of Electronic Publishing," Monday, April 13, at Virginia Tech (4 p.m. in 30 Pamplin Hall). His is the final presentation in the national "Scholarship in the Electronic World" seminar series sponsored by Virginia Tech Research and Graduate Studies to address issues, opportunities, and conflicts that have arisen as universities try to make the best use of the Internet to share the results of research.

"Future scholars will share their findings more widely and effectively," says Fox. Advances in electronic publishing will simplify access and improve expressiveness -- and will reshape the world of publishing, as well as economic, social, and cultural forces, he says.

Fox is associate director for research at the Virginia Tech Computing Center, and directs the Information Access Lab, "Interactive Learning with a Digital Library in Computer Science," project, and a number of other research and development projects. He chaired the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval, and was founder and chairman of the steering committee for the ACM Multimedia conference series. He chairs the steering committee for the ACM Digital Libraries conference series, and is a member of the editorial board for the ACM/Springer Journal on Multimedia Systems. He is editor for Morgan Kaufmann Publishers' book series on Multimedia Information and Systems, and serves on the editorial boards of many professional publications, including Electronic Publishing (Origination, Dissemination and Design) ,and the Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia.

Speaker information and links to some of the talks that have been presented since the series began in February are available at http://www.rgs.vt.edu/resmag/seminars.html. For more information about the seminar series and plans for a proceedings document, contact John Eaton, Associate Provost for Graduate Studies at Virginia Tech, 540/231-5645 or [email protected].

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Note to media: Dr. Fox will leave for Moscow immediately following his presentation.
His e-mail is [email protected].

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004