From: Virginia Tech

Are Theses And Dissertations Scholarly Resources?

(Blacksburg, Va. February 23, 1998) Jules LaPidus, president of the Council of Graduate Studies (CGS), Washington, D.C., will speak at Virginia Tech on Monday, March 2, at 4 p.m. in 30 Pamplin Hall.

He will discuss the current status of masters theses and doctoral dissertations, in terms of how they relate to the degrees involved, and in terms of their existence as scholarly resources.

He explains that the CGS study on the role and nature of the doctoral dissertation will serve as a source of much of the information on the dissertation. "Much less is known about the thesis. In either case, however, field differences are important, as are concepts of what these documents represent."

The impact of technology, particularly word processing and electronic publishing, will be discussed.

The talk is part of the Virginia Tech Research and Graduate Studies seminar series on Scholarship in the Electronic World. LaPidus will be the forth speaker. The talks of the first speakers and information about future speakers are on the Web at www.rgs.vt.edu/resmag/seminars.html.

LaPidus has been CGS president since 1984. Previously, he was professor of medicinal chemistry, dean of the graduate school, and vice provost for research at the Ohio State University. He has chaired or served on many committees concerned with graduate education and research, including the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, the American Council on Education, and the Association of American Universities, and has been a member of advisory committees at the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Contact for more information:
John Eaton, [email protected] or 540/231-5645
Susan Trulove, [email protected] or 540/231-5646

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