From: University of Washington

American Society Of Gene Therapy To Hold Its First Annual Meeting

SEATTLE -- The American Society of Gene Therapy will hold its inaugural annual meeting from May 28 through May 31 in Seattle.

"The meeting will blend cutting-edge science with outstanding clinical investigation and a wealth of educational opportunity," said Dr. George Stamatoyannopoulos, president of the society and professor of genetics and medical genetics at the University of Washington. More than 1,500 scientists from the United States and overseas are expected to attend.

The meeting's scientific program will feature several sessions on the biology and technology of gene therapy. Offerings include symposia on viral gene therapy vectors and non-viral gene therapy vectors, and symposia and workshops on AIDS and immunology, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, genetic diseases, cystic fibrosis and lung diseases, neurological and neuromuscular disorders, and stem cell gene therapy.

More than 750 abstracts have been submitted for presentation and a plenary session will present the best eight papers selected. In addition, 18 sessions of oral presentations and two large poster sessions will present the participants' latest work. All abstracts will be published in a program book.

A 16-session education program will introduce meeting participants to areas of gene therapy research outside their own fields. Sessions include the ABCs of Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy, the ABCs of Non-Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy, and the ABCs of Cell-Based Gene Therapy.

A series of interactive "Meet the Investigator" breakfast sessions will be held to introduce participants to some of the most prominent people in the field of gene therapy.

A concurrent program of satellite meetings and institutional and corporate symposia will be held on Thursday and Friday.

The meetings will take place at the Washington State Convention Center in downtown Seattle. Blocks of rooms have been reserved at major hotels within walking distance of the center, and a full program of social events, tours and trips before, during and after the conference has been arranged.

For further information and a meeting program, call the ASGT National Office at (609) 848-1000, ext. 208, or visit the ASGT homepage at http://www.asgt.org, where registration materials may be downloaded.

Media registration and information

Media registration: Contact Margaret Stallings at (609) 848-1000 ext. 264, e-mail [email protected], or register online at http://www.asgt.org. Reporter credentials will be available in the Newsroom. Credentials are required for admittance to all sessions.

The Newsroom at the Convention Center will be equipped with phone lines and fax machine and space for abstracts and news releases. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sunday.

Media accreditation: Any reporter, writer or editor with credentials from a verifiable newspaper, magazine, radio or TV station, wire service, syndicate or other news organization may register and receive a press badge. Freelancers must have a letter from a verifiable news organization indicating they have an assignment to cover the meeting. Freelancers wishing to cover the meeting on a speculative basis are asked to write on their letterhead requesting accreditation.

Information and public relations specialists from government agencies, academic institutions and scientific/medical institutions (private or non-profit) may also register at no charge.

Publishers and representatives of sales, advertising or marketing departments of publications, broadcast outlets or other organizations may participate in general registration for the meeting.

News conferences will be scheduled daily. Schedules will be announced at the meeting.

Abstract books summarizing all research papers, as well as news releases on selected papers, will be available in the Newsroom.

Private interviews with meeting participants may be arranged by contacting conference staff.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004