1998 From: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
10-Minute Exercise Sessions Effective Treatment For ObesityPITTSBURGH, March 25 -- Several short sessions of exercise with available home training equipment may be the most effective exercise program for obese patients, according to study results presented today by University of Pittsburgh researchers at the 1998 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting in New Orleans. "This study not only validated the use of short exercise sessions in treating obese patients," commented John M. Jakicic, Ph.D., research assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and the study's principal investigator, "but it was the first clinical study that we know of to actually incorporate and test the effectiveness of home exercise equipment on weight control programs." In this study, 139 sedentary, clinically obese women (20-75 percent above ideal body weight) were placed in one of three 20-week behavioral weight control programs designed by Pitt researchers. All participants were instructed to reduce their fat and caloric intake and were randomly assigned to one of three exercise regimens. Each group was instructed to exercise five days a week, gradually increasing the duration from 20 to 40 minutes daily. One group exercised in a single continuous session, while the two other groups divided their exercise into several 10 minute bouts. Home exercise equipment was available to one of the groups doing short-bout exercise. "Both in terms of exercise adherence and total weight loss, we found that the group using exercise equipment for short periods of time was the most successful," reported Dr. Jakicic. "The most effective exercise regimen is one that a patient will actually do," Dr. Jakicic continued, "and it appears that these convenient, shorter sessions with the equipment promote maintaining higher levels of exercise participation." An estimated 56 million Americans are at least 20 percent above their ideal body weight which leaves them at increased risk for a host of conditions including heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Exercise is critical, not only for increased cardiovascular fitness, but also as an important aspect in the behavioral treatment of obesity. However, few overweight individuals exercise regularly, often citing lack of time as the major reason for poor exercise participation. The results indicate that short bouts of exercise improved exercise adherence over the 20 weeks of the study, but the availability of home-exercise equipment may have been the determining factor for that group exercising the most. Researchers are quick to point out, however, that the successful use of the exercise equipment may be a result of participants being in a clinical weight loss program. It is unknown whether the typical adult who purchases exercise equipment actually uses the equipment. "Exercise is a critical component of weight loss and its continued maintenance," Dr. Jakicic summarized. "This study indicates that even 10-minute exercise sessions can be effective for weight control and are a good beginning for a lasting commitment to a healthy lifestyle."