From: Scientists Center for Animal Welfare

Performance Standards-Part II The Scientists Center for Animal Welfare will sponsor a conference on Performance Standards Part-II on May 6-7, 1998 at the Holiday Inn Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland.

In 1997 SCAW sponsored a conference on Performance Standards and Animal Welfare: Definition, Application and Assessment-Part I in Baltimore. At this meeting many of the basic concepts and applications of performance standards were discussed. SCAW has published a Summary of this meeting, available for $10.00 at the SCAW office.

Performance Standards-Part II will further develop the interpretation of performance standards and how to define and measure outcomes. Major topics include:

  • Surgery and Post-Operative Care
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Pain and Distress Relief

Members of IACUCs, attending veterinarians, principal investigators, animal care staff, research administrators and others interested in these issues are invited to attend.

For more information about the meeting, please contact the SCAW office

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