From: National Science Foundation

Statement By Dr. Richard Zare On Proposed National Institute For The Environment

The national and global environmental challenges we face are acute. Federal support for environmental research is a critical investment in this country's future and in the health of our children.

The National Science Board has passed a resolution which makes clear its support for increased federally-funded environmental research and education. It expresses the strong belief that the National Science Foundation (NSF) can and should play a greater leadership role in this effort. The resolution also underlines the importance of a national environmental research strategy adequately coordinated by White House agencies and the various coordinating committees of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).

At the same time, the NSB cautions against the establishment of a separate organization to lead this effort, noting that it would isolate environmental research and education from related activities. It would also create an additional and wasteful structure and bureaucracy where no such need exists.

It is important that we provide sustained attention to this challenge. The management structure for the federal role in the environment, which is already in place, emphasizes interagency coordination. This approach is the proper one for creating a vital research, assessment, and education effort aimed at building a sound and sustainable future.

Editors: Dr. Zare is available for interviews until 7 p.m. EST today at (650) 723-3062.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004