From: NIH/National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

National Toxicology Program Meets On Transgenic Animals

The Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Toxicology Program will discuss the use of gene-modified, or transgenic, mice in screening chemicals for cancer-producing potential, Feb. 5, 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Conference Center, 111 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, N.C. NTP is headquartered at NIEHS and both are directed by Kenneth Olden, Ph.D.

Introductory presentations will review results from three lines of mice, p53def, Tg.AC and rasH2d. The scientists presenting will be Dr. Olden; Dr. George W. Lucier; Dr. Raymond W. Tennant; Dr. John E. French; Dr. Judson Spalding; Dr. Ronald E. Cannon; Dr. Robert Maronpot; Dr. William Eastin; Dr. John Bucher; and Dr. Christopher Portier, all of NIEHS, and Dr. Kunitoshi Mitsumori of the National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo.

Transgenic mice allow scientists to do studies on the carcinogenicity of environmental agents more rapidly than using ordinary strains of rodents. The tests use fewer animals and cost less.

Some of the issues to be addressed are: Is the NTP approach to evaluation and validation of transgenic models sufficient and appropriate? How can existing models be best utilized? What are their limitations? What new models are needed? Should NTP seek to develop organ- specific tumor models? Are the scientific needs of regulatory agencies being adequately addressed? Dr. Joseph Contrera, FDA, and Dr. Vicki Dellarco, EPA, will speak on the regulatory needs.

For advance materials on the transgenic session, contact Dr. Larry G. Hart, NTP Executive Secretary, (919) 541-3971. A February 6 session, also open, will address several other NTP matters.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004