1998 From: National Academy of Sciences
New Recommended Intake Of Folate, Other B Vitamins, And Choline To Be Announced At April 7 BriefingResearchers for many years have examined the roles that folate and other B vitamins play in preventing vascular disease, neural tube defects, and other health problems. After a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence, a committee of the Institute of Medicine has developed updated recommendations for individual intake of these nutrients; its report includes recommendations on the daily requirements of individuals in specific age and gender groups, and specifies intakes above which adverse health effects may occur. The report is the second in a series that will replace the Recommended Dietary Allowances set by the National Academy of Sciences since 1941. Dietary Reference Intakes for Folate, Other B Vitamins, and Choline will be released at a public briefing beginning at 11 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, April 7, in Room 130 of the Cecil and Ida Green Building, 2001 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. On hand to discuss the report will be committee chair Roy Pitkin, professor emeritus, department of obstetrics and gynecology, University of California, Los Angeles; along with committee members Lynn Bailey, professor, food science and human nutrition department, University of Florida, Gainesville; and Robert Russell, professor, department of medicine and nutrition, Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston. Copies will be available to reporters beginning at noon EDT on Monday, April 6. The report is embargoed and not for public release before noon on Tuesday, April 7. Reporters who wish to obtain an advance copy or register to attend the briefing should contact the Office of News and Public Information. The Institute of Medicine is a private, non-profit organization that provides health policy advice under a congressional charter granted to the National Academy of Sciences. More information on the Institute of Medicine can be found online at www.nas.edu.
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