1998 From: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Adult Mouse Blood Cell Types Rejuvenated Through Injection Into The Early Embryonic Environment Blood precursor cells were purified from the bone marrow of adult mice with a cell sorter and injected into isolated early, pre-implantation mouse embryos, the so-called blastocyst. The picture shows a blastocyst after injecting ca. 40 adult HSC's (hematopoietic stem cells) and culturing it in isolation for 9 days. As a result, it is now surrounded by growing and differentiating blood cells, all surviving progeny of the injected adult HSC's. Full size image available through contactContrary to accepted ideas, scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and the University of Freiburg have found that blood stem cells from adult mice can survive in the very different environment of the early embryo and even go on to produce blood cells reprogrammed to have embryonic features (Cell, June 12, 1998). The different red and white cell types in the blood are generated from a cascade of progenitor cells which are first multipotent but, with progressive differentiation, lose this potential and are finally restricted to only one cell lineage. At the top of this hierarchy is the so-called blood or hematopoietic stem cell (HSC). HSCs are very special cells: one such cell cannot only generate all the different blood cell types of an animal, it also produces more stem cells, so that a single HSC could repopulate the whole blood system. In the adult mouse, blood stem cells reside in the bone marrow but during embryonic development, they are found in the yolk sac and fetal liver. Each developmental stage produces specific blood cell types to serve its needs, e.g. embryos make red blood cells specialized for the task of obtaining oxygen from the maternal circulation. It is generally accepted that stem cells gradually become specified during development and that these differentiation steps are irreversible after a certain point. How do stem cells regulate the production of embryonic- or adult-type blood cells? Is there a developmental clock ticking in the progenitor cells which first tells the stem cells to behave as embryonic, then as fetal and finally as adult cells or is the changing microenvironment providing the stage-specific signals to the cells? On the basis of various experimental procedures, scientists had previously assumed that these cells were irrevocably programmed to a specific fate, namely to produce embryonic or adult-type white and red blood cells. Now a team of young researchers in Freiburg, Germany, has taken a fresh look at this. Using a combination of two advanced techniques, cell sorting to purify the least differentiated kind of adult blood precursor cells and then placing them in the very early environment, the mouse blastocyst, they have discovered an unexpected plasticity in the programming of blood cell development. The first surprise was that the injected adult cells survive in the very different environment of the earliest stage of embryonic development, the so-called blastocyst, at the opposite end of the life cycle, with its own array of growth factors, hormones, and other powerful stimuli. The second, exciting aspect of the results so far obtained with this conceptually simple but technically exceedingly difficult system is that the adult cells now give rise to red blood cells with embryonic features, as measured by probing for the expression of genes specifically used only in embryonic or adult cells. Conversely, when embryonic and fetal blood stem cells were injected into adults, they produced adult-type cells. Thus, the microenvironment dictates which features stem cells express. Now, the next question to be asked will be whether the injected adult-type stem cells are themselves converted to embryonic-type stem cells or merely produce more differentiated embryonic blood cells in such mixed or chimeric embryos. Many additional experiments are now possible, like the analysis of the migration routes of stem cells in the developing embryo to the various blood-producing organs such as the liver and bone marrow. And the door is now open for experiments to look for the molecules present in the early embryo acting on the injected stem cells. Understanding how stem cells regulate their behavior is important in the field of medicine for improving hematopoietic cell transplantations. This research is being supported by the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science and the German Research Association (DFG).
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