From: DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Press Conference On Science Magazine's "Breakthrough Of The Year"


Jeff Sherwood (DOE), 202-586-5806
Lynn Yarris (LBNL), 510-486-5375
Gabriel Paal (Science), 202-326-6421

Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson and the Editor-in chief of Science will discuss the journal's pick for "Breakthrough of the Year." A scientist from the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) will describe their surprising and highly significant conclusion -- the accelerating universe -- that galaxies of the universe are flying apart at ever faster speeds. The scientist will also announce new results from their research -- the discovery of the most distant supernova ever seen. Scientists observed the supernova with the powerful Keck Telescope in Hawaii.

Note: The December 18 issue of Science will announce the editors' pick for the year's ten most important advances in science research. The picks, including the "Breakthrough of the Year," are embargoed by the journal for publication or broadcast until 4 p.m. Eastern Time, Thursday, December 17.

WHAT: Embargoed Press Conference

Bill Richardson, Secretary of Energy
Floyd E. Bloom, Editor-in-Chief, Science
Saul Perlmutter, Team Leader, Supernova Cosmology Project, Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA

WHEN: Thursday, December 17, 1998, 12:15 p.m. Eastern Time


Department of Energy
Forrestal Building Auditorium
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, D.C.
Metro Stop: Smithsonian

Out-of-town reporters may listen to the press conference and ask questions by calling 301-903-6289.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004