1998 From: Institute of Food Technologists
IFT Foundation Receives Grant For Graduate Nutrition FellowshipsCHICAGO -- The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Foundation recently received a $60,000 grant from The Gerber Foundation to administer fellowships to graduate students concentrating on pediatric nutrition. Named the Gerber Endowment in Pediatric Nutrition, the grant will allow the first fellowship of $3,000 to be awarded in June 1998. "Graduate students awarded Gerber fellowships will receive tuition assistance and recognition from a renowned company," said Julie Bayles, CFRE, director of the IFT Foundation. "When businesses support scholarships and fellowships, everyone wins." The IFT Foundation raises money to support educational programs for food science professionals and students as well as to promote careers in food science. The mission of the Gerber Foundation is to enhance the quality of life of infants and young children. As a result, the foundation has a variety of partnerships with non-profit organizations to deliver education, support, and care programs to parents and children as well as to support medical education and research programs. The Gerber Foundation's commitment to infants and children will continue through its investment in graduate students focusing on pediatric nutrition. IFT will select fellowship recipients on an annual basis. The application deadline for the 1998 fellowship is Feb. 1. For more information or an application, visit IFT's web site at <www.ift.org/>or contact Julie Bayles at (312) 782-8424 X124 or <[email protected]>. Founded in 1939, IFT is a non-profit scientific society with 28,000 members working in food science, technology and related professions in industry, academia and government. As the society for food science and technology, IFT brings sound science to the public discussion of food issues.