From: Engineering Animation, Inc.

Engineering Animation, Inc. Demonstrates Internet Anatomy At Visible Human Project Conference

Cutting Edge Resource Allows Students-On The Internet-To Interact With 3D Anatomical Models Created From An Actual Human CadaverVisible Human

Visible Human
Knee Surgery
Knee Surgery
Hip Surgery
Hip Surgery
Internet Anatomy
Internet Anatomy

BETHESDA, Md. - (October 1, 1998) -Anatomy students can interactively examine authentic human organs, probe a real human thorax and remove individual muscles down to the skeleton-without using a cadaver-due to Internet Anatomy, an online resource being developed by Engineering Animation, Inc. (Nasdaq: EAII). Based on the National Library of Medicine's Visible Human data, Internet Anatomy will be showcased during a press briefing at the Visible Human Project Conference, in Bethesda, Maryland on October 1 at 11:30 a.m.

"Although Internet Anatomy is meant as a supplement to dissection, and not a replacement, it can be superior to dissection because authentic gross anatomy can be repeatedly removed, rotated and manipulated. Once you cut into or alter a structure during a cadaver dissection, it is permanently destroyed," said Carol Jacobson, senior director of EAI Interactive. "By simply logging on to the Internet from a PC, students and educators can view and interact-in 3D space-with anatomical models produced from the Visible Human data."

Featuring a full 3D anatomical database that was produced from these Visible Human images, Internet Anatomy takes full advantage of Direct Model, a graphical rendering toolkit developed by EAI and Hewlett Packard, that enables on-the-fly manipulation and interrogation of large 3D models. This marriage of the Visible Human data and EAI technology allows students to interact with 3D gross anatomy; zoom in and out for close-ups and expansive views; and rotate muscles, bones, and organs in 3D space for explorations from any anatomical perspective.

Complement to Dissection

 Internet Anatomy allows students to dissect gross anatomy without destroying the original structure of the anatomical model or surrounding tissue and organ relationships-an impossible feat with a cadaver. Anatomy can be removed, highlighted, made transparent and "turned on and off." Students can also customize self-guided quizzes for mastery of anatomical concepts.

"Instead of cutting through a cadaver's muscles to view the bones, a student can remove muscles one at a time by moving the cursor, revealing a human skeleton with a simple click of the mouse." said Jacobson. "Internet Anatomy provides many of the benefits of working with a cadaver-because you are looking at 3D models created from real human data-but unlike a cadaver dissection, this resource allows you to observe anatomical relationships that cannot be maintained during dissection."

About EAI

 EAI is a leading producer of enterprise-wide product data visualization and collaboration software solutions for major manufacturing corporations, as well as a developer of interactive multimedia products for biomedical, entertainment, litigation and consumer clients. EAI's VisProducts improve product understanding and reduce the time to market by identifying product defects early in the design cycle. EAI maintains its corporate headquarters and technology center in Ames, Iowa, and has offices worldwide.

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This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004