From: Cornell University News Service

Nanofabrication Facility To Celebrate 20th Anniversary Sept.16-18

ITHACA, N.Y. -- The Cornell Nanofabrication Facility (CNF) will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a symposium, annual meeting and career fair, Sept. 16-18.

The symposium will begin at 4 p.m. on Sept. 16 with Sir Alec Broers, vice chancellor of Cambridge University, England, delivering the Henri Sack Memorial Lecture in Schwartz Auditorium of Rockefeller Hall. The topic of the lecture will be "Today's University-Industry Partnership: What Works? What Doesn't?"

A reception will follow in the Schwartz foyer.

On Sept. 17, the CNF annual meeting will be held in the Statler Hotel amphitheater on campus. The morning session will include a 9 a.m. presentation by William Brinkman, vice president of Bell Labs. At noon, John Hopcroft, dean of Cornell's College of Engineering, will speak at a lunch in the Statler Ballroom. The afternoon session will include a panel discussion with top technical officers from Cornell and corporations such as Corning, IBM, Lucent, Kodak and Xerox, as well as other presentations and a poster session.

"We expect this to be a significant opportunity for original reporting on current and future developments in nanostructure science and on public policy issues affecting science and economic development," says Joseph Ballantyne, director of CNF.

There will be a nanotechnology career fair Sept. 18 in the Statler Hotel's Princeton and Pennsylvania rooms, from 8:30 to noon and from 1 to 3 p.m.

Also on Sept. 18, David Catalfamo, New York state senior deputy commissioner of economic development, will speak at a buffet luncheon in the Statler Ballroom.

For more information, contact Melanie-Claire Mallison at 607-255-2329, ext. 106, or e-mail [email protected].

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004