1998 From: BMJ-British Medical Journal
Paediatricians Need Good Working Knowledge of Tropical Infections(Prospective, hospital based study of fever in children in the United Kingdom who had recently spent time in the tropics) In a year long study of children with tropical infections admitted to Northwick Park Hospital, Dr John Klein and Dr Guy Millman found that there is a relatively high incidence of potentially fatal tropical infections in children who are referred to hospital. Their study is published in this week's BMJ. In most cases of infection the children were of former immigrants who had visited their country of origin, with south Asia being the most common destination. The absence of white children from admissions might suggest that they are less likely to go on holiday to exotic holiday locations. The authors were struck by the poor understanding of the health risks associated with travel, which was particularly evident in the under use of antimalarial prophylaxis. Klein and Millman conclude that paediatricians in the UK need a good working knowledge of life threatening tropical conditions as access to specialists in tropical medicine is limited. Contact: Dr John Klein,Lecturer in Microbiology, UMDS of Guy's and St Thomas', Guy's Hospital, St Thomas Street, London [email protected] [email protected]