From: American Sociological Association

Men Do Less Housework When Living With A Woman

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Five thousand participants will convene at the American Sociological Association's 93rd Annual Meeting August 21-25 at the San Francisco Hilton and Towers Hotel for presentations on topics including immigration, affirmative action, families and children, health care, welfare, violence, and criminology.

The meeting's theme, "Inequality and Social Policy: A Challenge for Sociology," draws on sociological research into the causes and consequences of inequality and their social policy implications. Recent studies have revealed, for example, how the scarcity of jobs in inner city neighborhoods undermines public policies designed to encourage the poor to work and how the process of measuring inequality influences the public agenda.

The opening plenary session on "The Dismantling of Affirmative Action" will feature distinguished sociologists Troy Duster (UC-Berkeley), William Gamson (Boston College), Jerome Karabel (UC-Berkeley) and Barbara Reskin (Harvard University), and a welcoming address by San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown on the contemporary challenge to affirmative action.

An issues briefing on immigration is planned, along with hundreds of sessions on newsworthy topics and releases of new research findings.

The ASA welcomes members of the media. Press facilities will be located on the fourth floor of the San Francisco Hilton and Towers. ASA is available to assist in arranging individual interviews and contacts to meet your interests and needs.

To register for the meeting, please send an e-mail with your mailing address and phone number to [email protected], or visit the ASA web page at http://www.asanet.org.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004