1998 From: American Institute of Physics
Physics Helps Reduce Your Energy BillThe following press conference at the American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting will take place in room 516 of the Los Angeles Convention Center. The newsroom itself will be room 517, where the phone numbers are 213-743-6237 and -6238; the fax number is 213-741- 3924. PHYSICS HELPS REDUCE YOUR ENERGY BILL Monday, March 16, 9:30 AM. Mark Levine (510-486-5238) is the director of the Environmental Energy Technologies Division at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, where research has led to enormous energy savings for a number of billion-dollar technologies such as lighting and windows. At the meeting he will report (paper C5.01) on new developments in duct sealants (energy waste in ducts can be as high as 30%!), ultraviolet water purification (with potentially major applications in developing countries), new incandescent lights, and a redesigned torchiere lamp.