1998 From: American Geophysical Union
Taipei to Host Western Pacific Geophysics MeetingOver 800 earth and space scientists from more than 30 countries will meet in Taipei, Taiwan, for the fifth biannual Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, July 21-24, sponsored by the American Geophysical Union. They will report upon and discuss their latest research in earth, atmospheric, oceanic, hydrologic, space, and planetary sciences. Among the featured topics at this year's meeting are adventures at Mars, Mercury, and the Moon; space weather; tectonics in East Asia; El Ni�o and monsoons; ocean drilling program results; and greenhouse gas emissions of Pacific countries. Although open to all members of the American Geophysical Union, the majority of attendees will be from the Western Pacific region. Previous meetings were held in Japan, Hong Kong, and Australia. AGU is a scientific society of more than 36,000 members in 115 countries worldwide. It is dedicated to fostering high quality research, disseminating the results of that research through scholarly journals and meetings, and encouraging cooperation in geophysics. Editors: Journalists are welcome to cover the Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting. AGU is not, however, operating a formal press room at the meeting site (the Taipei Convention Center) or organizing press conferences at the meeting. Further information about the meeting is available at http://www.agu.org/meetings/wp98top.html. A limited number of copies of the 140 page book of meeting abstracts is available and will be sent to bona fide news media and freelance science writers upon request while supplies last. Abstracts include contact information for the authors. Send requests by email to Harvey Leifert at [email protected], including full mailing address. Volumes will be sent first class (surface mail outside North America). For express delivery, provide name of preferred carrier, your account number, street address, phone number, and class of delivery desired.
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