1997 From: Engineering and Physical Science Research Council
Invitation To Annual Press BriefingThe Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council will be holding a press briefing on its activities at 10.00 on 26 November 1997 at BAFTA, 195, Piccadilly, London. The press briefing will be taken by the Chairman of EPSRC, Dr Alan Rudge and Chief Executive Professor Richard Brook. Dr Rudge and Professor Brook will each make short presentations on the activities of EPSRC over the past year and will then respond to questions on any topic that the journalists would like to raise on the research council's work. If you would like to attend I would be grateful if you would complete the electronic form at: www.epsrc.ac.uk/in-depth/corporate/press/ar96inv.htm. LAUNCH OF THE FARADAY PARTNERSHIPS You are also welcome to attend the EPSRC Annual Conference which will start at 11.00 at the same venue which this year will focus on the Faraday Partnerships. John Battle, MP, Minister for Industry, Energy, Science and Technology will address the conference. The programme can also be found at the above WWW address.